Tuesday, September 20, 2005

New Equipment

While I was trying to figure out how to carry out this project without using a computer in the classroom, a magic happened.

On September 5, I received a brand-new notebook computer from a former student as gift. This is a long story.

In August, this student's mother called me up and told me that she would like to intvite me out for a cup of coffee to thank me personally for being her son's homeroom teacher during the past two years. I declined her invitation because I knew that she might want to give me a gift. I could sense the motehr's disappointment when her invitation was turned down. Several days later, the student along with other students came to my office to bid me farewell because they were about to be off to college. While they were leaving, this student came to me and told me in private that he and his mother had bought a gift for me but they felt disappointed for I rejceted their good intention. "Now the gift just sat there and was useless," he said. Then I told him that I would accept it. Three days later when the student brought the gift to my office, I was surprised because of its size. I asked him what it was, and he told me it was a notebook computer. I was overwhelmed, because the gift was way too expensive. He insisted that I should accept it because, for one thing, it would be used on teaching, and for another, he was not my student anymore so there should not be any sensitive issues caused by it.

This computer really solved my problem. In the beginning, I thought I could borrow the notebook computer from school. I managed to borrow two from school but they simply would not work. One was not able to hook up to the Interent and the other was too old to be connected with the broadband. There is still one that is supposed to be lent to teachers, but it is never there.

When the student was about to leave, he told me the notebook computer he gave me was in fact a gift to his "younger school brothers" (alumni).

Sunday, September 18, 2005

So far...

It has been more than three weeks since I wrote my last journal about the blog project. Lots of things happened and I was almost overwhelmed.

Origianlly I intended to carry out this project in only one of my three classes, which was my homeroom class. There were several reasons for this decision. First, I myself is a novice in using the blog. I am not sure what problems I might encounter or whether I would be able to solve them. I want to keep things simple so that they can be easily control. Second, the workload will be overwhelming if I want to correct the content of each student's blog. There are 43 students in each class. I won't be able to handle so many students' work. However, later I announced this project in all my three classes because I want students who have real interests can have a chance to do this. I do not force each of them to do it, because some of them might not be able to do this because they might not have a computer or the Internet service at home.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The preparation

Yesterday, I did some preparation work for the blog project.

First, I created a yahoo group for the class called "113班聯絡簿". Any instructions or discussions about how to carry out this project will be posted here.

Second, I created three blogs for this project. The first one is the main page, called Newsroom 113 (http://newsroom113.blogspot.com/), for linkng students blogs. The second one is Teacher's Journal (http://teachersjournal.blogspot.com/), where I can log the progress of the project. The third one is called Ching-ching(http://ckshchingching.blogspot.com/), which can serve as an example or one of the participant blogs.

The first day instructions

I will be teaching the juniors during the next school year. I plan to ask my students to prepare for the upcoming blog projects before school starts at the end of August. Tomorrow when I meet them at the orientation, I will give them a to-do list so that they have something to work on during the last days of their most carefree summer vacation.

First, I asked them to open a yahoo account so that they can sign up for the yahoo group which I have already started. The group, called 113班聯絡簿(http://tw.club.yahoo.com/clubs/Class_113_Log/), will serve as a class bulletin board or problem-solving front desk for this project. The discussions held there can either be in Chinese or English. Students can post any questions concering this project. Students are asked to post a self-introduction without giving out thier real names, and they can respond to the messages. This activitiy will be sort of an ice-breaking activity for the new class as well as a warm-up for the project.

Second, each student will send me a message from the e-mail account that he uses most often, so that I can collect their email addresses for future contacts.

Third, they will go to the Blogger website to create a blog of their own. I gave them specific instructions about how to create a blog title. Each student's blog title will start with "class113", then "the seat number", and finally the English name or a preferred web identity. For example, if a student's seat number is #50, and his web identity is Tomcat, then the title of his blog will be "class11350Tomcat". I ask them to do this in the hope that it will be easier for me to keep track of thier blogs in the future.

Fourth, I asked each student to send me a message with his blog address once his own blog is created, so that I can link his blog to the main page of the blog project.

Fianllly I upload the instructions, called "The First Day Instructions", to my GeoCities website(http://www.geocities.com/liu_chingching/Firstdayinstructions.doc), which is listed in the students handout too. Every handout or information will be collected and oploaded to my geocities website for future references.

Monday, August 22, 2005

The beginning

First of all, I would like to thank my yahoo group sisters, who share their blogging experiences with me, so that I am inspired and encouraged to include blogging in my curriculum. I especially thank Alice for introducing me to website about how to use blogging in an ESL/EFL classroom. The website is http://anvil.gsu.edu/EV/ . The info from this website enables me to have more concret ideas on how to develop a blog project. I decide to keep a journal on the evolvement of this project for my own reference, or even better, for sharing with others.